REST API with XML&JSON for Request and Response in Salesforce : jayakrishnasfdc
by: jayakrishnasfdc
blow post content copied from Jayakrishna Ganjikunta
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In Previous Example I created records using Post Method from workbench. Now from this blog post am explaining how to do create record using xml/JSON with RestAPI using work bench.
Go to workbench -> Rest explorer -> Select Post radio button.
and give the URL something like this ==> /services/apexrest/v1/AccountMgmt/
as per your url mapping in your apex class:
Update apex class:
@RestResource(urlMapping='/v1/AccountMgmt/') global class AccountMgmt { @httpPost global static Account doPostMethod(String Name, Integer AnnualRevenue){ Account acc= new Account(Name =name,AnnualRevenue = annualrevenue); insert acc; return acc; } }
In workbench Explorer Body Write like below .xml Request
<request> <Name>Account creation using XML</Name> <AnnualRevenue>1000</AnnualRevenue> </request>
Now Execute:

And now suppose in future if you want to map more fields , its not easy to everytime quickly add fields in apex class. So to overcome this problem we can use Wrapper Classes
Now let’s update same apex class with Wrapper class.
@RestResource(urlMapping='/v1/AccountMgmt/') global class AccountMgmt { @httpPost global static Account doPostMethod(AccountClass AcctInfo){ Account Acct = AcctInfo.Acct; insert Acct; return Acct; } global class AccountClass{ Account Acct { get; set; } } }
Request Body in .xml Request write like below…
<request> <AcctInfo> <Acct> <Name>Account creation using XML</Name> <AnnualRevenue>1000</AnnualRevenue> <Phone>8867400396</Phone> </Acct> </AcctInfo> </request>

Now Let’s try the same with JSON format file request body.. Make sure you update header from xml to json.
{ "AcctInfo" :{ "Acct" :{ "Name" : "JSON Test Account", "AnnualRevenue" : 100, "Phone" : 8867400396 } } }

January 03, 2021 at 04:00PM
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