Collecting all top Salesforce post in single website (Jugaad)

Hi Friends, 

This website follows the top Salesforce bloggers and collect all blogs in a single place through automation.

For those who don't know the word "Jugaad," Its Indian name and the meaning is a flexible approach to problem-solving that innovatively uses limited resources. We are doing the same thing in this blog and here solving the problem in limited resources (using automation).

We all know Salesforce is a vast platform and lots of things are on the road map. For the last eight years, I never see a single day where I haven't read a new thing about Salesforce. I have followed more than 100 Salesforce bloggers and still daily checking every blog for any new post. I started my career as a Salesforce admin, and I was bewildered. I found my mentor, who explained that we could get Salesforce study materials, best blog to see all the updated news, codes, examples, and other things.

Finally, I write automation that follows the best salesforce bloggers, and whenever a new post is published, it will read that post and collect it in a single place. When I show this to my colleagues, friends, they suggest I manage these content in an available blog. On-demand of all the buddies I have created this blogger. This post is the only post written by other posts to collect all the best salesforce bloggers.


Salesforce Jugaadu